Sebastian Kurz (Chancellor Of Austria)

16 min readJan 26, 2021


Birthday: August 27, 1986

Nationality: Austrian

The Austrian

Austrian Wine USA

Age: 34 Years, 34 Year Old Males

Sun Sign: Virgo

Born Country: Austria

Born In: Vienna, Austria

Famous As: Chancellor Of Austria

Height: 6'1" (185 cm), 6'1" Males

Salary : Annual: $417,079.00

On January 7, 2020, Sebastian Kurz was sworn in as Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria, becoming once again the youngest head of government in the world. Mr. Kurz previously held the office of Chancellor from December 2017 to May 2019.

Sebastian Kurz, who was born on August 27, 1986, started his political career in his home city Vienna serving as a member of the City Council. In 2011 he was appointed State Secretary for Integration at the Federal Ministry for the Interior. From 2013 to 2017, he served as Federal Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs.

Since 2017, he has been the chairman of the Austrian People’s Party (OeVP).

Childhood & youth

Sebastian Kurz was born on August 27, 1986, in Meidling, the 12th district of Vienna, Austria, into the Roman Catholic family of Josef Kurz, an engineer, and Elisabeth, a grammar school teacher. His maternal grandmother, Magdalena Müller, a Danube Swabian born within the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, had fled from her home town Temerin during war 2 and settled in Zogelsdorf, now in Austria.
He attended grade school from 1992 to 1996 before earning his Matura certificate from the Erlgasse Grammar School in Vienna in 2004. After completing compulsory military service in 2004–05, he enrolled into a law course at the University of Vienna, but dropped out before graduating to pursue a career in politics.

His determination to stay on the national stage wouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who has followed Kurz’s career, which was already hot when he joined the OVP’s youth wing at 17 because the protege of a well known Viennese lawmaker.

Kurz became the leader of the “young OVP” while studying law at the University of Vienna, and have become increasingly famous following a string of controversial and polarizing election campaigns. This includes the now infamous “Schwarz macht geil” slogan for the 2010 Viennese state elections. The phrase can mean either “black causes you to cool” or “black causes you to horny,” and refers to the OVP’s traditional party color.

He was a deputy chair of the People’s Party in Vienna in 2009–2016 and a member of the Viennese State and Municipality Diet in 2010–11. As a member of the Viennese State and Municipality Diet, he advocated generational equality via fair pensions.
He was reelected because the JVP federal chairman with 100% votes in 2014, but handed over the office to attorney Stefan Schnöll in 2017.


As a gift for his contributions to local election campaigns in Vienna, Sebastian Kurz was rewarded together with his appointment as State Secretary of the inside for Integration in April 2011. during this capacity, he suggested extra mandatory kindergarten year for youngsters lacking language skills, launched the ‘Together:Austria’ campaign to assist integrate immigrants into the Austrian culture, and sought amendments to the Austrian citizenship law.

He won the foremost direct votes among all the candidates to secure win within the 2013 Austrian legislative election, following which he resigned from the parliament and have become the Minister of Foreign Affairs in December. At 27, he was the youngest secretary of state of Austria, also because the youngest top diplomat in Europe.

As secretary of state , he prioritized Western Balkans relations and arranged the closing of the EU’s eastern borders to migrants and refugees during a affect neighboring countries despite protests from the EU and UN. While closing the border between Greece and Macedonia severely reduced refugee inflow and left tens of thousands of migrants stranded, it had been seen as a diplomatic achievement that increased his prospects as a chancellor.

During his final year as Austrian secretary of state , he also served because the chairman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and proposed an ‘act-on-act system’ for lifting EU sanctions against Russia. Kurz, whose tenure as secretary of state ended on December 18, 2017, was a member of the National Council for a quick period between November 2017 and January 2018.

While it had been speculated within the media for an extended time, following the resignation of OVP chairman Reinhold Mitterlehner in May 2017, Kurz was nominated for the post and was officially elected on July 1st. However, he declined to succeed Mitterlehner as Vice-Chancellor of Austria, and focused on the 2017 legislative election with a three-part program that put emphasis on tax cuts, compulsory education and stricter immigration system. Strache immediately withdrew from all political posts, but against his wishes, Kurz ended the OVP-FPO coalition and also sought to dismiss Interior Minister Herbert Kickl, following which all Freedom Party ministers resigned.

Losing majority in the parliament, Kurz faced a motion of no confidence backed by both the opposition, Social Democrats (SPÖ), and his former coalition ally, Freedom Party, leading to his removal on May 28, 2019.
In the September 2019 legislative election, the People’s Party secured a landslide victory with 37.5% of the votes, and subsequently entered negotiations for a coalition with the Green Party, which had registered a major comeback. After the two parties finalized the negotiations to form an unprecedented coalition, Kurz was again sworn in as Chancellor on January 7, 2020, forming a government with a majority of female cabinet members.

Chancellor Kurz on the EPP Study Days in Munich, Germany

Dear friends in the European people’s party but above all dear Manfred Weber many thanks for the invitation for the opportunity to be here with you today it is always nice to be in Bavaria what is there was above all always nice to be a guest in the European people’s party i started to get involved in the European people’s party more than ten years ago when I was just 20 back then in the young European people’s party i am happy that i am allowed to be here as chancellor today and i am allowed to do so too thank you very much you have already mentioned that we have had an intense year in Austria and an intensive long election campaign behind us the election success would not have been possible without so much support from European People’s Party, thank you for your work with us, thanks to Mr Joseph Daul to our Austrian parliamentarians with othmar karas at the helm, but to so many who are here today and who supported us in the election campaign, who also trembled with us and then each other We were also pleased with us, we have managed to initiate a bourgeois turnaround in Austria and are currently in the process of ending the debt policy in our country after more than 60 years to join the European level at the moment we are clearly above the tax burden and we are trying to become more competitive again in order to get back to the same level as our neighborsin the last few years i was allowed to work as foreign minister before the last few years and i know foreign minister not only a lot in the European union but of course also a lot outside Europe and with every trip i have made outside Europe my awareness is stronger that the rule of law democracy the freedom we have the European who meat because we are allowed to enjoy the age is unfortunately not a matter of course worldwide and with every trip my awareness has increased that it is our task as a younger generation in Europe these freedoms but also this to defend the model of life and to preserve it in a world that is getting faster and faster, especially living in a European union with great challenges Chancellor Merkel already mentioned in her speech yesterday the difficult international environment that we are experiencing, the USA, which has become more unpredictable, the tensions with Russia and china, which indeed makes a remarkable economic progress, but especially when we look at the model of life and the state model, of course, far away of what we live in Europe we experience in the European union and the tracks is the first time a country voluntarily leaves the European union and what i think is the most problematic i have had a lot of positive experiences in the last few years as foreign minister i had to but also to experience that, especially since the refugee crisis, the tensions in the European union have grown and kjaer has to be part of it challenging environment that there is only one thing that we have to create, namely a strong cooperation in the European union because we are all one thing cannot give national answers to the big global questions i believe that secondly we should work on the European union It also becomes more capable of acting because otherwise all the good ideas and visions remain just gray theory and thirdly, I firmly believe that there is a strong European people’s party as a power of the center because what use is the ability to act if the actions are set in the wrong direction, insofar as it has to be the direction is also in the right direction and that is guaranteed with a strong fdp group there is so much expertise represented here today anyway and i’m only a representative of a small country I don’t want to over strain my speaking time, but I would still like to share a few thoughts on the European union or on the question of where we should develop from Europe, i believe and the chancellor also mentioned yesterday that we should give ourselves a push and try a more efficient European union to create we live in a time that is getting faster and faster and the way in which we often make decisions in political systems, how we communicate where and when we have interests together that no longer fits into this fast becoming faster and I would say it does not fit into either 21st century i believe that the reduction of the commission would be a sensible step for more ability to act in the commission and if we are honest then we know that we are more at the moment As we actually have responsibilities to assign, commissioners have to leave something behind, so that does not necessarily lead to less regulation and bureaucracy but sometimes more and perhaps too much the Chancellor rightly mentioned yesterday that it would make sense to consolidate one seat in parliament not only that many here in the area would save a lot of travel activity i think it would also be a clear signal to the population in the European union not only that we are economical with taxpayers money but that we are also able to overcome historically founded traditions and take a next step in the cooperation too and I also believe in terms of streamlining the administration, we should give ourselves a push because through the dirt you break 13 percent of the population in the European union gone that should be an occasion to get leaner here too i have learned from many conversations with companies in the last few months that at least here in Austria companies nowadays often say they are not afraid of lazy officials, but they too many fear too hard-working civil servants because that triggers so much bureaucracy and regulation that small and medium-sized companies in particular are no longer able to cope with them and when entrepreneurs say that they create jobs in the European union and that actually have a pro-European stance then that should give us food for thought, besides the need for a more efficient European union, i think i need above all a new culture in dealing with it together i have seen in the last few years that the tensions in the European union have grown more and more whenever i went to Brussels i have seen the north cursed the south, the best complained about the east, the east and the west i believe that all these tensions in the European union are not good for us don’t get me wrong i am a friend of the content discussion of the discourse of the different opinions but i believe if we want to be successful as Europe then we have to work together and cooperation leaves different opinions opinions on what destroys any form of cooperation is a bad tone or a disrespectful way of dealing with one another, in my opinion there are no second class member states there are no better and worse ones in the European union but thank god there are many who admittedly want to work on this European union with different ideas and if we think back to our motto of the European union in diversity then i think that is one a good guide for our work the goal shouldn’t be to be separated in equal measure at some point in addition to efficiency and a new approach, i think we need above all a stronger focus in the European union Europe cannot and should not do everything we should focus more on that set the principle of subsidiarity we are from the people’s party but all advocates of diversity we do not see diversity as negative, but fundamentally positive, so this diversity is also okayto maintain the European union it doesn’t need the same European regulations for everything but what is really needed is stronger cooperation on issues where national states cannot exist alone and i can single out three areas where i would like to see progress in the cooperation First, in my opinion, security and defense policy is also part of the fact that we can only create order in the migration issue if we manage to secure the external borders together, a Europe without internal borders will remain a reality i come from Austria Bavaria is not only our most important partner politically but also economically and nevertheless there are now border controls between Austria and Bavaria because they are from the Bavarian perspective where did we end up as the European union that Europe without internal borders is no longer a matter of course, please let’s finally go about it, that will not come to the fore and focus so much in the dispute over the distribution that we will probably not resolve We prefer to work wherever possible on the protection of the on in the limits on the help on site on the supply of refugees to outside the European union the uncontrolled immigration into the European union no protection of the external borders that is the beginning of the end of Europe without internal borders and i don’t want to have to experience that personally i therefore support the commission’s proposal to strengthen the frontex agency to 10.000 men like from Austria are willing to take a lot of money in hand to send people but please don’t do that until 2027, let’s do it much faster than I recently said in a speech in Austria that it was planned until 2027 the reaction of the population was not outrageous but they thought I gave some number or promised me the people are not willing to wait that long and for good reason we should be faster here to secure the external borders properly Greece Italy and not leave others alone and before Above all, ensure a proper political mandate because we cannot send so many people so much money we cannot invest that the number of refugees will decrease if that political mandate is not also a real one, frontex has to start cooperating with third countries it has to be possible to prevent boats from casting off so that people do not risk their lives in the Mediterranean Sea and it has to be possible to care for people on the external border and then for them to postpone in transit or countries of origin immediately and if that is not possible and safe zones outside the European union if we do not give frontex a different political mandate, all the personnel and financial reinforcement is of no use another area where we need a stronger cooperation in my view in order to strengthen competitiveness we must complete the internal market, and above all also complete the digital internal market, we need a technology base Europe and if we invest more in research and innovation where we can’t watch that innovation takes place in china, USA and elsewhere in the world and that we think about how we can deal with the best possible regulation only if we are an innovation location Europe We can continue to be successful and maintain the competitive advantage that we had in the past, we can continue to guarantee prosperity and that includes fair taxation, so I fully support the Commission’s proposal that there should be equalization taxation for internet giants Nobody understands that the big american corporations in Europe are tax-free throughout while medium-sized companies in Austria and Europe keep their taxes Thirdly, we would like to see more cooperation in foreign and neighborhood policy too, I really hope that during the Austrian Presidency we will make progress on the Western Balkans and in bringing these countries closer to the European Union, not just what is in the interests of these countries but because it is in our own best interest if we want to guarantee security and stability in Europe but i also hope that we will become clearer in dealing with countries that are moving further and further away from our basic values ​​i’m talking about turkey here is looking the other way or too much tolerance in my opinion not the right way the accession negotiations with turkey are something that from our point of view is no longer up to date, turkey has become in particular because of the fact that human rights are being trampled further and further away from Europe and especially in times in which multilateral ism and multilateral cooperation are being called into question, we as the European union should appear all the more clearly in multilateral cooperation climate protection a worldwide cooperation whether that suits everyone or not it should be our way as the European union many thanks for the attention there is a lot to do for us as the European people’s party but with the great leadership of Manfred Weber and Josef part and the whole team of the people’s party i have great confidence that we will remain the strong force in Europe and that we can lead this European union into a good future many thanks for the attention

Remarks by President Charles Michel

My first words are in fact for the victims of this act of terrorism, and for his or her families.

My presence here is first and foremost an indication of friendship, to precise Europe’s affection for the people of Austria. And to precise my support and appreciation for Sebastian Kurz and therefore the way during which the Austrian authorities have attempted to manage a particularly difficult situation.

A terrorism is one that aims to destroy lives, to undermine our societies — but also one that aims to subvert the elemental values that underpin the ecu project. These values of democracy, these values of freedom, freedom of thought, freedom of faith , freedom of expression, which are the cornerstones of this European project. it’s those principles that allow us to measure together in mutual respect.

When I was informed of the attack here in Vienna, i assumed back to my very own experience as prime minister a couple of years ago, when my country, too, was hit by terrorist attacks.

I am cognizant of how emotional this is often for the population, how painful for the victims, and of the responsibility and composure that the authorities must demonstrate so as to undertake to stay control of things , and to seem towards the longer term too, with the determination to curb this terrorist threat.

I am glad to possess had the prospect once more to possess a really direct discussion with Sebastian regarding variety of concrete ideas about the way to attempt to make progress at European level. i will be able to give some samples of the areas during which , in my opinion, we must attempt to take action so as to enhance our capacity to curb this terrorist threat.

Without doubt, we’d like to make sure a smooth, ongoing exchange of data between our intelligence and security services, to aim , as far as possible, to stop these acts.

Without doubt, we must also endeavour to be capable of removing terrorist content as quickly as possible when it appears on internet platforms. this is often a task that’s being administered together with the ecu Parliament. I hope that we’ll be ready to make progress during this area too.

The third issue that i might wish to mention — and that i accept as true with what Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said on this matter — is that the importance of countering the extremist ideologies, the violent extremism, the messages of hate and therefore the messages of rejection that fuel this terrorist activity. it’s vital to be firm about this.

I think, for instance , that discussions should be held at European level about the thought that was raised a while ago of making a eu institute for the training of imams. to make sure that this message of tolerance and openness are often conveyed at European level, which imams can also be trained during a way that takes this sort of approach into consideration.

We must even be able to take action regarding funding. When foreign funding is supporting organisations that are committed to stirring up hatred, rejection and violent extremism, it seems to me that that we’d like to roll up our sleeves and take effective, optimal measures to undertake to try to to something about it.

Here are a number of the items I wanted to share with you. First, a sense of great sadness, for the innocent people gripped by a way of injustice, a way of cowardice. These are families which will remain forever changed by what went on here in Austria.

The determination of European leaders to tug together, sleeves rolled up, shoulder to shoulder. This, as Sebastian Kurz has said, is that the purpose of the virtual meeting which will be held tomorrow with variety of EU leaders. this is often the aim of the EU interior ministers’ meeting which will be persisted Friday, to assess how we will provide additional impetus.

A video conference with all the Heads of State or Government also will be persisted 19 November. This meeting will focus totally on COVID-19, as planned, but we’ll also provide impetus during this area, and that we will return thereto regularly in EU discussions to aim to maneuver forward, and to try to to so from a eu perspective. Because we consider this terrorist threat to be a really fundamental threat, a really grave and really serious threat to the values that underpin this European project. These are values that we care for , and that we haven’t any intention of showing weakness or being lax. On the contrary, when it’s these core values of the ecu project that are at stake, we believe we must resist .

I am grateful to possess had this chance for a discussion with Sebastian. it had been important for Europe to precise its affection, its friendship and its support within the wake of this terrible attack on innocent victims.

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